12 strings theory
12 strings theory

12 strings theory

We are therefore unable to make definitive predictions about nature. Bits and pieces of it are known, but we do not yet see the whole picture. String Theory is still under development. But it should also be noted that to date there is no experimental evidence that string theory is the "basic description of nature". The strength of String Theory is that it accounts for all four known forces in one elegant theory. String Theory encompasses Quantum Mechanics, The Standard Model (which has been verified experimentally with incredible precision) and Einstein's General Relativity (gravity). Perhaps the most remarkable thing about String Theory is that such a simple idea has such a lot of merit. See the illustration at the left showing some strings that might make up a quark. If String Theory is correct, the entire universe is made of oscillating strings. But if it oscillates some other way, we call it a photon, or a quark, and so forth. If it oscillates one way, then from a distance we see an electron and we are unable to tell it is really a string. A string can do some things besides move - it can oscillate in different ways. But, if string theory is correct, then under an extremely "powerful microscope" (way beyond today's capabilities) we would realize that the electron is not really a point, but a tiny loop of vibrating string (sometimes called a filament). Ordinarily an electron is pictured as a point with no internal structure.

12 strings theory 12 strings theory

The bassic idea behind String Theory is that all of the different "fundamental particles" of the Standard Model are really just different versions of one basic object: - a vibrating oscillating string.

12 strings theory